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Göç ve Edebiyat Arasındaki Sıradışı İlişki

Göç ve Edebiyat: Alan Araştırmasında Mekan, Zaman, Karakter ve Adalet Şahizer Samuk Carignani KHI in Florenz – Max Planck Institute Bu çalışmada amacım göçün kişisel, duygusal ve insanın doğasını birebir tasvir eden bir fenomen olduğunu anlatmaktır. Bunun için farklı yazarların hayatlarından, kitap karakterlerinden ve kurgulardan örnekler vereceğim. Bu örneklerin göçün hayatımıza ne kadar işlediğini ve haberdar olmasak da göç pratiklerinin bizim içsel ve dışsal dünyamızı ne raddede etkilediğini ve araştırmacılar olarak da araştırma yaparken bu konuyu derinlikle düşünmemiz gerektiğini belirtmek istiyorum. Verdiğim örneklerde aslında şimdiye kadar okumuş olduğumuz fakat fark etmediğimiz ve gözümüzden kaçan noktaları vurgulamayı amaçlıyorum. Çalışmalarımızda farklı teorilerde ve izlediğimiz metotlarda karşımıza çıkan dinamizmi edebiyattaki mekan, zaman, karakter ve adalet incelemesiyle ileri bir noktaya taşıyabileceğimizi ve göç konusunu disiplinler arası çalışmalarla zenginl...
En son yayınlar

Wasted Lives of Zygmunt Bauman "Modernity and its Outcasts"

This book has enlightened me a great deal. I have been reading it when there was the refugee "crisis" and refugee reception crisis . Have been reading it when I have been unemployed for almost ten months. And it makes me think about what my late mother said when I was born, as was the third one and the latest (long years between my older brother and sister): "the world is large, she should live, too". People thought she was brave, in fact, she thought larger than life. Well, this is not an article about having kids but it is about what lives mean for us, what others' lives mean for us and what life could mean if we thought it a bit differently, if we were a bit open-minded and open-hearted. There are many themes in this book amongst which he also talks about migration and how some people are seen as "human waste" by the countries that would not want to receive them. How it is possible to think of others' lives less valuable than ours when t...

Kafka's America and Labour Migrant Workers

Kafka has written this book although he has never been to the USA. I will now interpret the book based on the evidence on his imagination. It is very interesting that the journey to the USA starts legally. But Karl Rossmann is almost an asylum-seeker. The reason for that is that he is sent by his family to the USA as a half-exile. Because he had a scandalous affair with a maid and this was an unacceptable situation in the case of his family with aristocratic origins. Therefore, he goes to the USA being recommended to someone who knows his father and starts to work in a job. In this first job he does the things that he is told to do without questioning. But later with the conspiracy of a friend, he encounters some problems such as being accused of fraud. Hence, he is fired and he has to find another job. Of course in the free market there are no labour rights and since we are considering the USA in the beginning of the 1900s where these themes are not controlled and checked by the l...

la la la la la la la land

La La Land 16 February 2017 I could not stop but think about this movie. I am obsessed with it. I am obsessed about what it was about. I like the director since Whiplash and I have always thought that Whiplash is more beautiful than the Birdman. Because Birdman was surreal in a way that I did not like. It was not surreal like Marquez, it was surreal artificially. I am not a critic of literature or films. But I have to say a few words about La La Land and how it made me feel. First of all, I enjoyed the music immensely. It had been a long time that I have listened to good jazz like this. And jazz is the only type of music that makes me feel lighter in this world. Other than that generally I feel quite heavy about the regimes, migration, refugees, life, family problems, future, money issues, ending friendships etc. But when comes jazz, life is different, it makes some kind of sense in a non-sensical way. It makes fun of life, takes the joy of life and gives it to you. I loved...